18 research outputs found

    CD148, a membrane protein tyrosine phosphatase, is able to induce tyrosine phosphorylation on human lymphocytes

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    Producción CientíficaCD148 is a new cluster of differentiation defined in the VI International Workshop on Leucocyte Differentiation Antigens. It has been identified as the hematopoietic form of a formerly described membrane protein tyrosine phosphatase called HPTP eta/ DEP-1. Previous data have demonstrated that this molecule is able to give rise to [Ca2+]i increase. In the present work we show its capability to induce protein tyrosine phosphorylation in human lymphocytes in spite of its intrinsic protein tyrosine phosphatase activity. The induction of kinase activity suggests the involvement of some protein tyrosine kinase based signaling pathway. The activation of this postulated kinase could be carried out through a direct association or via an adapter molecule

    Arterial Stiffness Is Increased in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes Without Cardiovascular Disease

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    Altres ajuts: Financial support was provided by the Associació Catalana de Diabetis (Beca Gonçal Lloveras 2008); the Fundació la Marató de TV3-2008 (project no. 081410); FIS PS09/01360, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, Spain; and by an intensification grant to J.M.G.-C. (Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, Spain)

    Prestació de servei de la reconstrucció mamària al SISCAT: postmastectomia oncològica o de tipus profilàctic

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    Reconstrucció mamària; Neoplàsia de mama; Mastectomia; Micripigmentació; Cartera serveisReconstrucción mamaria; Neoplasia de mama; Mastectomía; Micripigmentación; Cartera serviciosBreast reconstruction; Breast neoplasia; Mastectomy; Micropigmentation; Services portfolioL’objectiu del present document és definir la prestació de la reconstrucció mamària postmastectomia oncològica i postmastectomia preventiva, amb visió del procés, en els centres del Sistema sanitari integral d’utilització pública de Catalunya (SISCAT). També es pretén unificar la codificació de cadascuna de les tècniques de reconstrucció mamària per tal de millorar-ne tant el registre i seguiment als registres sistèmics (CMBD-HA, CMBD-AEA, etc.), com també al registre de les llistes d’espera

    The distance to the Andromeda galaxy from eclipsing binaries

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    7 páginas.The cosmic distance scale largely depends on distance determinations to Local Group galaxies. In this sense, the Andromeda Galaxy (M31) is a key rung to better constrain the cosmic distance ladder. A project was started in 1999 to firmly establish a direct and accurate distance to M31 using eclipsing binaries (EBs). After the determination of the first direct distance to M31 from EBs, the second direct distance to an EB system is presented: M31V_J00443610+4129194. Light and radial velocity curves were obtained and fitted to derive the masses and radii of the components. The acquired spectra were combined and disentangled to determine the temperature of the components. The analysis of the studied EB resulted in a distance determination to M31 of (m-M)o = 24.30 +/- 0.11 mag. This result, when combined with the previous distance determination to M31, results in a distance modulus of (m-M)o = 24.36 +/- 0.08 mag (744 +/- 33 kpc), fully compatible with other distance determinations to M31. With an error of only 4%, the obtained value firmly establishes the distance to this important galaxy and represents the fulfillment of the main goal of our project

    Eclipsing binaries suitable for distance determination in the Andromeda galaxy

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    The Local Group galaxies constitute a fundamental step in the definition of cosmic distance scale. Therefore, obtaining accurate distance determinations to the galaxies in the Local Group, and notably to the Andromeda Galaxy (M 31), is essential for determining the age and evolution of the Universe. With this ultimate goal in mind, we started a project of using eclipsing binaries as distance indicators to M 31. Eclipsing binaries have been proved to yield direct and precise distances that are essentially assumption-free. To do so, high-quality photometric and spectroscopic data were needed. As a first step in the project, broad band photometry (in Johnson B and V) was obtained in a region (34' × 34' ) in the north eastern quadrant of the galaxy over 5 years. The data, containing more than 250 observations per filter, were reduced by means of the so-called difference image analysis technique and the DAOPHOT program. A catalog with 236 238 objects with photometry in both B and V passbands was obtained. The catalog is the deepest (V < 25. 5m ag) obtained so far in the studied region and it contains 3964 identified variable stars, with 437 eclipsing binaries and 416 Cepheids. The most suitable eclipsing binary candidates for distance determination were selected according to their brightness and from the modelling of the obtained light curves. The resulting sample includes 24 targets with photometric errors around 0.01 mag. Detailed analysis (including spectroscopy) of some 5−10 of these eclipsing systems should result in a distance determination to M 31 with a relative uncertainty of 2−3% and essentially free of systematic errors, thus representing the most accurate and reliable determination to date

    Circulating soluble adhesion molecules in patients with giant cell arteritis. Correlation between soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (sICAM-1) concentrations and disease activity

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    Objective—To evaluate whether changes in concentrations of circulating adhesion molecules are related to disease activity in patients with giant cell arteritis (GCA). Methods—A sandwich ELISA was used to measure soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (sICAM-1), sICAM-3, vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (sVCAM-1), E-selectin (sE-selectin), and L-selectin (sL-selectin) in serum and plasma samples from patients with GCA. A cross sectional study was performed on 64 GCA patients at diVerent activity stages and on 35 age and sex matched healthy donors. Thirteen of these patients were evaluated at the time of diagnosis and serially during follow up. Results—At the time of diagnosis, sICAM-1 concentrations were significantly higher in active GCA patients than in controls (mean (SD) 360.55 (129.78) ng/ml versus 243.25 (47.43) ng/ml, p<0.001). In contrast, sICAM-3, sVCAM-1, sE-selectin, and sL-selectin values did not diVer from those obtained in normal donors. With corticosteroid administration, a decrease in sICAM-1 concentrations was observed, reaching normal values when clinical remission was achieved (263.18 (92.7) ng/ml globally, 293.59 (108.39) ng/ml in the group of patients in recent remission, and 236.83 (70.02) ng/ml in those in long term remission). In the 13 patients followed up longitudinally, sICAM-1 values also normalised with clinical remission (225.87 (64.25) ng/ml in patients in recent remission, and 256.29 (75.15) ng/ml in those in long term remission). Conclusions—Circulating sICAM-1 concentrations clearly correlate with clinically apparent disease activity in GCA patients. DiVerences with results previously found in patients with other vasculitides may indicate that diVerent pathogenic mechanisms contribute to vascular inflammation in diVerent disorder

    Aula de infantil

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    Se crea un plan de comunicación con las familias de los 59 centros municipales de Educación Infantil de Primer Ciclo de Barcelona. Estos centros son comunidades educativas reducidas donde se ofrecen contextos de desarrollo a los niños y niñas, donde se realiza un trabajo de proximidad con las familias, que diariamente entran en las aulas y se comunican con las educadoras y educadores, y con la dirección y donde se promueve el intercambio. La atención a la diversidad se concreta en singularizar la intervención educativa con cada niño o niña y con cada familia. Los centros de Educación Infantil, disponen de un plan de comunicación con las familias en el marco de los ejes básicos del Proyecto Educativo de Centro, con la finalidad de garantizar que la familia y escuela compartan el cuidado y la educación de los niños y niñas. La comunicación en la familia y escuela permite compartir el cuidado y la educación de los niños y niñas y acordar los criterios educativos. La organización de los servicios educativos para la pequeña infancia del Instituto de Educación de Barcelona obedece al objetivo estratégico de generar sinergias de complicidad con cada una de las familias en beneficio de los más pequeños.CataluñaBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín, 5; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]

    Arterial Stiffness Is Increased in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes Without Cardiovascular Disease

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    Altres ajuts: Financial support was provided by the Associació Catalana de Diabetis (Beca Gonçal Lloveras 2008); the Fundació la Marató de TV3-2008 (project no. 081410); FIS PS09/01360, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, Spain; and by an intensification grant to J.M.G.-C. (Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, Spain)